There are millions of people affected worldwide by HIV/AIDS epidemic. HIV is transmitted from mother to child, intravenous drug use, and most commonly unprotected sex. When left untreated for many years the virus then becomes AIDS. This epidemic is now hitting close to home mainly the African American community. Although we only account for 12% of the population african americans represent nearly 50% of HIV cases. This is a shocking number that needs to be severly decreased. Why do african americans account for so many cases? The reasons are: proverty and limited healthcare, risky sexual behavior and "downlow brothers", substance abuse, and limited knowledge of the subject. But all this can change with us, seek help if you have a drug addiction, USE CONDOMS not the pullout method that doesn't work people theres something called pre ejaculation...and last but not least GET TESTED, know your status so you can further help and protect others. This is serious people and I hope you don't take my words lightly.
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