Ok so apparently it's "cuffing" season. For those of you unfamiliar with the terminology cuffing means to enter into a monogamous relationship or more simply making that special person your boyfriend or girlfriend. So around winter time a lot of young people who were in casual sometimes sexual relationships start pairing off and becoming "official". Yea so it's cold and you want someone to cuddle up with, but the question still remains what happens once summer rolls around again? Do you remain in the relationship or do you ditch this person and return to your playa ways? In most instances people revert back to their old ways and someone always ends up getting hurt. Sorry to say this ladies but the statistics are against you and most likely you're going to be that person... Personally I don't see the point, why the need for a title all of a sudden? And maybe everyone has become brainwashed into thinking this is what susposed to happen around this time... For those of you wondering you guessed right, I'm currently single and plan on staying that way till I'm sure the right person comes along, in the meantime casual sex never hurt anybody... HAHA peacerz
The whole "cuffing season" thing is beyond ridiculous. I feel why go into a relationship only because its "cuffin" time? Simply because its cold outside and you all want someone to keep you interested because there is nothing else to do. I find it quite childish and has Shay said feelings are going to be crushed in the end, because someone out of the two will get attached. I find the whole term "cuffin season" to be about games and I think those that have a mentality that its "cuffin season" and thats why they need to be with someone needs to grow up. I dont think everyone has becomed brainwash they know what they are going and "cuffin season" only seems to be a trend. The new and right way for them to go about things. I feel dont get into a relationship if you're not serious about it. I'm also single and planning on stayin that way because I havent found the right person yet. There is something called "talking" people..you can be talking to someone but dont have to be with them. Lol..cut out the whole "cuffin" thing.
ReplyDeleteFrist the reason why we have cuffing season is it time to stop flowting around & find someone yu like its cuffing season right now & i feel like yu need someone to hold yu down not to pulling yu down & im single but i hope to find someone to cuff me & its not childish the is a reason why we do it <3