Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friends With Benefits
So what is a friend with benefits? It's basically a friend that you engage in sexual activity with. But the key to this is that there aren't susposed to be any strings attached. Let's be realistic it just doesn't happen. Someone always becomes attached and wants to take it further. Ladies once again you fit the bill... LOL, sorry but i'm here to report my own findings. So one person usually develops feelings and wants to transform the friends with benefits situation into an actual relationship. In rare cases both parties feel that way and they end up having great relationships. More oftenly though the other person doesn't feel the same way and they want to keep it casual. Now the other person is left feeling hurt and used and the friendship is destroyed. So you have to think to yourself is a few nights of sexual pleasure worth losing a good friend? Chances are it isn't because good friends are hard to come by. My advice to everyone is not to have a friends with benefits relationship as much as you think you can handle it, I can almost guarentee that it won't turn out well. Things between you and your friend will never be the same...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There are millions of people affected worldwide by HIV/AIDS epidemic. HIV is transmitted from mother to child, intravenous drug use, and most commonly unprotected sex. When left untreated for many years the virus then becomes AIDS. This epidemic is now hitting close to home mainly the African American community. Although we only account for 12% of the population african americans represent nearly 50% of HIV cases. This is a shocking number that needs to be severly decreased. Why do african americans account for so many cases? The reasons are: proverty and limited healthcare, risky sexual behavior and "downlow brothers", substance abuse, and limited knowledge of the subject. But all this can change with us, seek help if you have a drug addiction, USE CONDOMS not the pullout method that doesn't work people theres something called pre ejaculation...and last but not least GET TESTED, know your status so you can further help and protect others. This is serious people and I hope you don't take my words lightly.
Cuffing Season

Ok so apparently it's "cuffing" season. For those of you unfamiliar with the terminology cuffing means to enter into a monogamous relationship or more simply making that special person your boyfriend or girlfriend. So around winter time a lot of young people who were in casual sometimes sexual relationships start pairing off and becoming "official". Yea so it's cold and you want someone to cuddle up with, but the question still remains what happens once summer rolls around again? Do you remain in the relationship or do you ditch this person and return to your playa ways? In most instances people revert back to their old ways and someone always ends up getting hurt. Sorry to say this ladies but the statistics are against you and most likely you're going to be that person... Personally I don't see the point, why the need for a title all of a sudden? And maybe everyone has become brainwashed into thinking this is what susposed to happen around this time... For those of you wondering you guessed right, I'm currently single and plan on staying that way till I'm sure the right person comes along, in the meantime casual sex never hurt anybody... HAHA peacerz
I've always been a sexually uninhibited person. I consider myself a free spirit with an open mind. An although i'm quite young i've experienced some sexual experiences that you only read about or see on tv. As an avid watcher of "Sex And The City" I was inspired to create this blog as you can see by my slight twist on the title. I always have random thoughts on the subject of sex and I watch quite a few programs to also broaden my knowledge of the subject. This isn't just a tawdry blog about sexual conquests and positions (although that will be included), it's also about safe sex, relationships, and other things that run through peoples' minds daily. Based on response I might post something new everyday, every week, or whenever inspired. I hope you enjoy it and it's somewhat helpful to you and please pass it on to others.
Thanks for visiting
Yours Truely
Shay Marie
Thanks for visiting
Yours Truely
Shay Marie
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